From the time I(Randy) was born dogs have always been a part of my life. I don’t ever remember a time when I didn’t have a dog as a pet. In my adult life I have always been fascinated by Labrador Retrievers and I always wanted to own a pure breed dog but just couldn’t afford it at the time. In November of 2012 ,I had the most tragic event ever in my life occur. I was at a loss( you see my soul mate of 31 years had passed away) and I was wallowing in my grief. I awoke one morning with this overwhelming urge that it was time for me to get a companion and I thought to myself: “What better companion can you get than a dog.”, so I finally decided that I was going to get the Labrador Retriever that I always wanted. So I started my search for a female Chocolate Labrador Retriever. Annie, the matriarch of Lake Country Labrador Retrievers, is that puppy. I purchased her when she was 7 weeks old and we have gone on several journeys together since then and it is she who helped me at a time when I needed it the most. I enjoyed going on walks with her, taking her to the lake, and playing fetch. Then when she was about 6 months of age, I decided that I really enjoyed the time that I had with her and that I wanted to bring the same joy and happiness to other people lives as well, so out of the tragedy that occurred in my life I decided to start breeding Labrador Retrievers. I realized that I loved the dogs and had a passion for them. So that is how Lake Country Labrador Retrievers came to be. By the way, in case you were wondering why I choose to name my first dog Annie it is because that my wife’s middle name was Anne.