
Shadow is a 9 yr old male Chocolate Labrador . He is very energetic. He loves to fetch balls, bumpers, sticks, just about anything, he is very intelligent and loves to please every one.  He loves to go on long walks and to go swimming at the lake. He has completed his off leash training by my son . He is responding very well with commands. Before training I never could have gotten him to sit still for pictures. What a difference the training has made in are lives!

Shadow’s OFA Certifications

Shadow’s AKC Pedigree

Shadows UKC Pedigree

Shadows UKC Pedigree Pg 1

Shadows UKC Pedigree Pg 2

Shadow’s DNA test results:

Paw Print Pedigrees Breeder Seal
Paw Print Genetics Logo
Paw Print Pedigrees Logo